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Friday, February 18, 2011

African Women Developement

African Women Developement

The women of Africa have endured the systematic oppression of their development for countless of years due to elements in cultural, political and, historical events. Long before British-colonial occupation and the slave trade, the male dominated African tribal culture adhered to many oppressive yet accepted and structured forms of role categorization of women in African society. One can begin to understand the lineage of African women’s’ developmental encumbrance. The position of women in pre-colonial Africa was impeded mainly because of cultural aspects of their way of societal existence.African females would be type-cast from birth and instructed in manners of learning subservience, as is the case of human behavior in most societies, as strict and hindering gender rolesdetermined the path of their life (Dennis 69).As young girls, African females developed very closely with their mothers and would acquire the constricting elements that continue the ongoing chain of events. The young females would take part in the daily duties of their mother and learn the oppressive traits, as did their female ancestors before them. They would perform backbreaking chores for the tribal family in prepa 

The impediment of African women"tms development has always been an issue in the oppression of women. Colonialism disrupted the traditional system of former oppression and production, reinforcing those existing systems of social inequali!ties and introducing new forms of oppression not congruent with the African person"tms way of life. The religions of African tribal cultures conceived that the position of women within their society was complementary to that of men. They would walk for great lengths to procure heavy buckets of water that was balanced on the head in most tribes, as well as perform other domestic duties such as: cooking, cleaning, sewing and mending garments, and other such tasks required of developing bride prospects. The tribal culture of learned oppression has been prevalent from the first spoken stories. Young men were taught to provide for their family and to exhibit dominance over their female counterparts. Afsha Haleh Women, State and Ideology Lynne Riennerpub. They would be also negatively conditioned to become dominant over females of the tribe as they worked ceaselessly with the seasons crops and other provisional duties. The concept of equality amongst the Christian god, appealed to most women who secretly strived for such equality even though wary of leaving their way of life. Male dominance is justified as to use culture and religion as an important means in controlling women by explaining that women acting outside of their expected andappropriate social role, unconfined by men, would lead to dangerous results (Dennis 23). The arrival of the missionaries introduced an alternative religion that was more appealing to African women in regards of certain human rights issues (Terborg 34). The assigning of oppressive and domineeringgender roles masked the social inequalities made complacent through generational instruction. These social issues were further justified through the use of religion as well as cultural factors. The prospect of equality and respect appealed to many female African women, as they were fearful o!f the menacing native male gods.

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